CEOPS summer school: Carbon dioxide recovery
SUNDAY, MAY 10th, 2015
The world is facing currently two major problems:
- Climate change due to the excess CO2 generation unable to be absorbed naturally;
- Storage of electricity generated by renewable energies, essentially wind and photovoltaics.
The industrial proposal is to capture and storage CO2, but the main question is how to manage energy and economy; it seems that Carbon dioxide is at the same time the problem and the solution if we accept a circular economy of the carbon resources.
This School will discuss how research and innovation in material sciences can generate fully new solutions to contribute to solve the above stated problem.
A series of lectures given by internationally recognized teachers, will address the current stages of development of this new field in different major areas.
These topics includes:
- Carbon recovery and economic strategy
- Organic synthesis for biodegradable polymer and solvent
- Industrial strategy for a direct carbon recovery
- Innovative catalysts to open new routes for the valorization of CO2 molecule
- Electro catalysis process for CO2 recovery
- Challenges for an industrial scale of new processes
- End of the day: discussions with the audience and conclusions
Registration is now closed.
This Summer School is organized in the frame of the CEOPS project, which received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement No 309984.
Supported by:
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This Summer School is organized in the frame of the CEOPS project, which received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement No 309984.
Jardins de les Dones de Negre 1 Sant Adrià del Besòs 08930 Spain
+34 93 3562615+34 93 3563802
ENSCP / PSL, Paris, France
jacques.amouroux@gmail.comChangchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, CAS China
xhwang@ciac.jl.cn18, Sovetskiy Pr. Kemerovo 650000 Russia
+ 7 3842