Materials for Energy & Sustainability - ISMES XII
The school will be hosted at the “Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture”.
Sustainability requires sustainable use of resources. For energy that means all forms of solar as well as geothermal energy, on which we can count for many millions of years. For materials, which we need with energy to make “stuff”, they should last forever, but entropy will make them useless, and, thus, they should be used judiciously.
The aim of the School is to present the state-of-the-art and future perspectives on Energy, Materials, and their Integration for an Environmentally Sustainable future. Climate change makes this an even more urgent challenge than it is per se.
You will be taught about critical materials issues for the production and storage of renewable and sustainable energy, and sustainable production of desired materials, global warming, and the CO2 problems, water‐energy-food nexus, nuclear, thermal and photovoltaic solar, wind, geothermal energy sources, energy storage options, fuels, including biofuels, fuel cells, transportation issues, electricity penetration problems, regulation and IP issues and more. With these, we will emphasize how to integrate the science and technology, with environmental considerations, the inertia of adopting new ideas, “locked-in technologies that can prevent entering new directions, and the “business as usual” temptations. The last days the students will work in groups on meeting a school grand challenge, results of which will be presented on the school’s final afternoon.
The school brings together an international community of young and not so young curious, interested people as students to learn from experts in a unique atmosphere for reciprocal benefits in terms of enthusiasm, knowledge, challenges, and new ideas.
The maximum number of students is 80.
The registration, including lodging, all meals, social events and transportation from/to Palermo or Trapani airports to/from Erice, is 1000 € Euro/person.
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