New deadline for paper submission:
August 28, 2017
Guest Editor(s):
pss Editorial Office:
Journal Homepages:,
physica status solidi (a/b) will publish two special issues highlighting the most exciting new results presented at this year’s 12th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (ICNS-12). In collaboration between the Guest Editors and the Editorial Office we cordially invite you to contribute a Feature Article (topical review, for invited speakers) or Original Paper manuscript based on or related to your presentation.
All submitted manuscripts will undergo peer review (two reviewers per paper). Papers are published in Wiley Online Library Early View few weeks after acceptance, your article is citable immediately. The print issues of pss (a) and (b) are planned for Jan 2018 when all articles are complete. The clustering of related articles raises the visibility of these articles significantly.
Information on submissions :
Please direct your submission to
pss (a) for optical and electronic devices:
pss (b) for growth and basic physics:
Please mention the submission to the ICNS-12 special issues in your cover letter and select the appropriate section/category ICNS-12 – Nitride Semiconductors to expedite handling.
Please refer to the Author Guidelines available on our homepage
Original Papers expose original and previously unpublished work of general interest to the community. Manuscripts do not have a strict length limit (typical lengths vary from 6 to 10 journal pages). Articles must fulfil the standards and requirements of the journal. Acceptance of a contribution for presentation at the conference does not automatically include publication in the topical section. Main criteria for consideration by pss (a/b) are:
- The importance, relevance, and novelty of the results
- The general quality of the manuscript (serial or incremental work is discouraged)
- Main results have not yet been published (also not in conference proceedings) and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
- Please make sure not to copy more than insignificant amounts of text from (even your own) previous publications. All manuscripts will be processed through the iThenticate system.
Further benefits for pss authors include:
- No page charges or publication costs for authors, free online colour
- Modern article formats (PDF, Enhanced PDF, HTML, Enhanced Article for mobile devices)
- Supporting information, e.g. additional data, videos or animations can be published online
- Wiley OnlineOpen option compliant with funder mandates and supported by many institutions
- Author suggestions for journal cover figures or frontispiece pages, especially for Feature Articles
- The article will be provided as electronic reprint on request
- Color print, journal issues, reprints with cover page, posters etc. are available for purchase
- pss is indexed in ISI Web of Science and all other major abstracting databases