EU-Korean workshop
3rd European-Korean Workshop on Advanced Materials for Energy
E-MRS Fall Meeting Conference
Warsaw, 22 September 2016 (9:00 - 18:00)
University of Technology - room 123
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9:00: Welcome by
E-MRS: Luisa Torsi (E-MRS President), Ian Boyd (International affairs)
MRS-K: Geun Young Yeom (MRS-K President), Hyeongtag Jeon (MRS-K Vice-President)
Session 1:
9:10: Dr. Mihails Kuznezoff, Fraunhofer/IKTS, Germany (Development of Metal Supported Cell for application in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells)
9:35: Prof. Seungwu Han; Seoul National University, (Computational study on two dimensional dichalcogenides for hydrogen production)
10:00: Dr Emilia Fabbri; ETH Zürich, Switzerland (Electrocatalysis)
10:25: Dr. Nianjun Yang; Institute of Materials Engineering, University of Siegen, Germany (Electrocatalysis)
10:50: Break
Session 2:
11:15: Prof. Dong Ha Kim; Ewha Womans University (Reduced Dimensionality Perovskites for Advanced Photovoltaic and LED Devices)
11:40: Dr. Haque Saif; Imperial College London, UK (Perovsike for photovoltaic)
12:05: Prof. Keon Jae Lee; KAIST (Self-Powered Flexible Energy Source)
12:30 : Lunch
Session 3:
13:50: Dr. Sixto Gimérez; Institure of Advanced Materials, Universitat Jaume I, Castello, Spain (solar fuel cell)
14:15: Prof. Chinho Park; Yeungnam University (Growth and characterization of SnS thin film absorber for ultra-low cost solar cells)
14:40: Dr. Gilles Dennler; IMRA-Europe (Thermoelectrics)
15:05: Dr. Sung Mook Choi; Korea Institute of Materials Science (Synthesis and characterization of electrocatalysts for electrolysis & fuel cell)
15:30: Break
Session 4:
15:50: Prof. Hyacinthe Randriamahazaka; Univ. Paris Diderot, France (Flexible Organic Battery)
16:15: Prof. Byungha Shin; KAIST (Photoelectrochemical stability of CIGS photocathode with functional overlayers for solar water splitting)
16:40: Prof. Emilio Palomares; ICIQ, Spain, (DSSC and quantum dot)
17:05: Prof. Woo Kyoung Kim; YeungnamUniversity (Thin-film Cu(InGa)Se2 photovoltaic absorber formation with in-situ MoSe2 pre-formation)
17:30: Prof. Insung Choi; KAIST (Neurons on Nanotopographies)
18:00: Wrap by the organizers
Main organizers:
- Abdelilah Slaoui <>
- Byungha Shin <>
- Chinho Park <>
- Hyacinthe Randriamahazaka <>