2026 Fall Meeting
FALL 26: Call for symposium topics
The E-MRS is now seeking symposium proposals for the 2026 E-MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibit which will be held in Warsaw from September 14 to 17, 2026 at the main campus of the University of Technology in Warsaw (Poland).
The scientific programme will highlight the latest advances in materials research at an international level, with a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary research in both fundamental and applied areas.
Submit your proposal:
We encourage submitting proposals. It is extremely important that many interesting topics are addressed, ranging from electronic nanomaterials to biomaterials for applications in electronics, energy saving and production and health sectors.
How should a symposium proposal be prepared?
The first step in the overall process is to prepare a proposal and submit it to E-MRS Hq. Please use the template available online.
The symposium organizing committee should be preferentially an international one. A short CV of the proposed principal organiser and co-organisers should be included together with the 5 most relevant and recent publications in the last 2 years. This must be restricted to the single page included for each organiser.
Your proposal will be evaluated by our selection committee.
Deadline for reception of proposals: October 15, 2025
Acceptance: End of December, 2025
The main topics of Fall Meeting could be:
Proposals should be sent within the October 15, 2025 to mycie@ifpan.edu.pl and to emrs@european-mrs.com
September 14 - 17, 2026
Warsaw University of Technology
Central Campus - Warsaw University of Technology
Pl. Politechniki 1
00-661 Warsaw - Poland
Conference secretariat:
Faculty of Materials Science & Engineering
Warsaw University of Technology
Woloska 141
02-507 Warsaw, Poland
Contact person:
Agnieszka Rytel
Phone: +48 22 234 87 94
Email: emrs[at]pw.edu.pl