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2025 Spring Meeting

    SPRING 25: Call for symposium topics

    The E-MRS is now seeking symposium proposals for the E-MRS Spring Meeting 2025.

    The new edition of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) conference will take place from May 26 to 30, 2025 in Strasbourg (France).

    The scientific programme will highlight the latest advances in materials research at an international level, with a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary research in both fundamental and applied areas.

    It is extremely important that many interesting topics are addressed, ranging from electronic nanomaterials to biomaterials for applications in electronics, energy saving and production and health sectors.

    To submit your symposium proposal and be a member of the scientific organisation team, the submission requires the following data:

    • Names and contacts of symposium organizers (max. 4 persons)
    • Description of the symposium scope
    • List of topics of interest
    • Tentative list of invited speakers

    The symposium organizing commitee should be composed preferentially from an international panel. Further information about the preparation of an E-MRS symposium proposal are available on our guidelines.

    The proposal presentation must be submitted by e-mail to by April 1st, 2024 at the latest.

    The proposals will be evaluated by ad-hoc commitee composed of the E-MRS program committee and the conference chairs. The results of the selection will be available by June 2024.

    We look forward to your participation to create an outstanding 2025 E-MRS Spring Meeting !


    May 26 - 30, 2025

    Strasbourg Convention Centre

    Palais de la Musique et des Congrès
    Place de Bordeaux
    67082 Strasbourg

    Conference Chairpersons
    Guo-Hua HUCNRS-University of Lorraine

    Laboratory of Reactions and Process Engineering (LRGP), Nancy, France
    Maarit KARPPINENAalto University

    Department of Chemistry and Materials Science - School of Chemical Engineering - Kemistintie 1 - FI-00076 Aalto, Finland
    Patrick BRESSLERFraunhofer Group for Microelectronics / FMD

    Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Strasse 2 - 10178 Berlin, Germany
    R. RATHEESHCentre for Materials for Electronics Technology (C-MET)

    Government of India, Hyderabad, India

    Sanjay MATHURDepartment of Chemistry, University of Köln

    Institute of Inorganic and Materials Chemistry, Greinstraße 6, D-50939 Cologne, Germany

    +49 221 470 4107/4657