HUNTER workshop
Workshop “Advanced Humidity to Electricity Converters“ HUNTER
21-22 September
Warsaw University of Technology
MINI Building, room 212
Plac Politechniki 1 - Warsaw, Poland
Advanced Humidity to Electricity Converters (HUNTER) is a satellite workshop of E-MRS Fall 2016 meeting in the framework of H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016 “HUNTER-691010” project. The aim of the workshop HUNTER is to present the state-of-the-art and the future perspectives for nanomaterials applied to the generation of renewable and sustainable energy.
Generation of renewable and sustainable energy from humidity requires development of novel, innovative and very efficient materials and components. The goal of the workshop is to attract the most recognized academic experts in the field of nanomaterials and humidity to electricity conversion to share their knowledge and expertise.
This intend in merging of the research activity usingknowledge offered by various research fields as physics, chemistry, materials science and engineeringto design nanoscale structures for such conversion. Therefore, interdisciplinary approaches integrating different technologies, sciences or disciplines will be particularly emphasized. The 1st“HUNTER”workshop, will be a valuable and motivating forum for the researchers inphysics,materials science,chemistry, and engineering to discuss the latest advances and issues in the design and application of nanomaterials-based devices for advanced energy conversion and also to establish their own networks and hence creating the sense of shared European values.
Symposium organizers:
Andriy Lyubchyk
Quinta da Torre
2829 516 Caparica
Phone: 351 21 294 8524
Fax: 351 21 294 1365