Plenary session
The scientific program is complemented by the plenary session taking place on Wednesday afternoon May 28 in room SCHWEITZER (Ground floor), with three speakers. The line-up of the plenary speakers is outstanding and these events are wonderful opportunities to learn and to be inspired. The collective wisdom, perspective, and leadership experience of the two individuals will be a highlight of the conference week.
This central session will continue with the presentation of the E-MRS EU-40 Materials Prize recipient. The latter is a prestigious prize awarded to researchers under 40 who are showing exceptional promise for leadership and have made outstanding and innovative contributions to Materials Research in Europe.
It's hard to imagine a richer offering of speakers. And that's the point of the plenary session: they provide a shared experience for all conference attendees. Plenary session is a time for a break from the details of your week, a time to be stimulated and to reflect on the values that brought us to the field and that continue to motivate us each day.
The social event open to all participants will conclude the plenary session.
Preliminary program
Wednesday May 28 from 16:00 to 19:00
16:00 - Welcome Address by A. Kenyon, E-MRS President
16:10 - Introduction of the first plenary speaker by ..., Conference Chair
16:15 - Plenary speaker A
16:55 - Introduction of the second plenary speaker by ..., Conference Chair
17:00 - Prof. A.K. Sood (IIsc Bangalore, India)
17:40 - Introduction of the third plenary speaker by ..., Conference Chair
17:45 - Prof. Z. L. Wang (Georgia Tech., USA & Beijing Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, China)
18:25 - Introduction of the fourth plenary speaker by ..., Conference Chair & EU-40 Materials Prize ceremony.
18:30 - EU-40 Materials Prize Recipient
19:00 - End of the Session - Social event open to all participants
Laboratory of Reactions and Process Engineering (LRGP), Nancy, France of Chemistry and Materials Science - School of Chemical Engineering - Kemistintie 1 - FI-00076 Aalto, Finland
maarit.karppinen@aalto.fiAnna-Louisa-Karsch-Strasse 2 - 10178 Berlin, Germany
patrick.bressler@mikroelektronik.fraunhofer.deMeitY. Government of India, Hyderabad, Telangana, India of Inorganic and Materials Chemistry, Greinstraße 6, D-50939 Cologne, Germany