NFFA-Europe Pilot Symposium
New Trends in Advanced Lithography and Pattern Transfer Methods
The continuous evolution of techniques and methods for manufacturing and structuring surfaces at the nano-scale have allowed to improve the performance of devices, circuits and systems in aspects such as processing speed or energy consumption. In the future, the evolution of important areas such as semiconductor integrated circuits, quantum computing, biomedicine, energy or mobility will depend on the ability to manufacture devices more efficiently and with a larger degree of accuracy. There is still a lot of room for further evolution and improvements in nanofabrication methods, that will bring to exploit the ultimate performance of many different types of devices, even down to the atomic scale.
The scope of the Symposium will be to present and discuss about the latest advances in the field of ultra-high resolution lithography and methods of pattern transfer which are presently under different stages of development and that they are going to play a key role in near future technologies. The symposium will cover innovative aspects in consolidated technologies, like advanced optical lithography and ion beam fabrication, along with the progress in emerging methods like self-assembly or scanning probe lithography. Subtractive and additive patterning techniques, including dry etching, deposition, single ion implantation, and others, will be discussed.
The symposium is addressed to scientist and engineers interested in structuring at the nanoscale. The program will consist of a mixture of invited and contributed oral presentations and posters, with a broad coverage of the main trends in the field. The symposium is organized by the European Project NFFA-Europe-Pilot (, which involves twenty-two partners from nine Member States of the European Union and aims to increasing European competitiveness in nanosciences and nanotechnologies.
Preliminary schedule of the Symposium:
Day 1. Monday, May 30
- Afternoon session
- 13:15 Welcome
- 13:30 Oral session (3 invited speakers 25 min + 3 regular talks 15 min)
- 14:45 Q&A
- 15:00 Oral session
- 16:45 Q&A
- 17:15 Poster session
- 18:00 End of the poster session
Day 2. Tuesday, May 31
- Morning session
- 09:00 Oral session (3 invited speakers 25 min + 1 regular talk 15 min)
- 10:45 Q&A
- 11:15 Oral session (2 invited speakers 25 min + 3 regular talks 15 min)
- 12:30 Q&A and closing remarks
Invited speakers:
- Flavio Carsughi, FZJ, Germany - Presentation of the NFFA-Pilot project
- Yasin Ekinci, PSI, Switzerland – Advanced Nanofabrication
- Damiano Giubertoni, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy – Electron and Ion Beam Patterning
- Gregor Hlawacek, HZDR, Germany – He ion beam microscopy
- Armin Knoll, IBM, Switzerland – Thermal Scanning Probe Lithography
- Alex Robinson, U. Birmingham, UK – Novel resists
- Raluca Tiron, CEA-LETI, France – Self-assembly lithography
Lichtenbergstraße 1. D-85748 Garching, Germany
+ 49 (0)89 158860
C/ dels Til·lers s/n, Campus de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 08193, Bellaterra, Spain
Lund University, Box 118, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden
+46 46 222 31
Paul Scherrer Institut - Forschungsstrasse 111 - 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
+41 56 310 28