Workshop on EU Materials Landscape



One day Workshop on 19th September 2024

in the frame of E-MRS 2024 Fall Meeting in Warsaw (Poland)

Venue: Main Building of Warsaw University of Technology - Room 213

Address: Plac Politechniki 1, Warsaw, Poland



EUMAT, E-MRS, and the NCP4Industry are organizing a one-day workshop titled "EU Materials Landscape" on Thursday, September 19th, 2024, as part of the E-MRS 2024 Fall Meeting in Warsaw.

The workshop is free of charge; but registration is required, in this link.


The workshop will highlight key elements of the EU's advanced materials landscape. EU and Member States support a wide range of research initiatives, projects, and programs in advancing materials research. Those materials developed in the EU are applied across all industries. During the workshop, representatives from the EU Commission, from EUMAT, E-MRS, and NCP4Industry, as well as industry experts and practitioners will share insights, needs, and success stories from the publicly funded materials research ecosystem. The Workshop will focus on a coordinated approach to funding and collaboration between EU institutions, national governments, and regional bodies. A Round Table will also analyse the co-ordination and governance, and the push for Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD) principles to ensure the safety and efficacy of advanced materials, leveraging the complementary strengths of different funding entities.



 8.45- 9:00



Session 1:  Introduction of EU Materials Landscape

Chair: Tony Kenyon

 9.00 - 9.10

 9:10 - 9:20


Welcome by Tony Kenyon, E-MRS President

Welcome by Robert Napora, Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Head of Unit for Scientific Policy and Innovation

 9.20 - 9:50


Materials Landscape in the EU. Jurgen Tiedje, European Commission, Head of Unit for Industrial Transformation

 9:50 - 10:20


Initiatives ETP EuMaT, AMI2030, IAM4EU.  Marco Falzetti, Chair of EUMAT, General Director APRE

10:20 - 10:50


Advanced Materials Academy. Rodrigo Martins, Director of CENIMAT|i3N & CEMOP/UNINOVA

10:50 - 11:10


Coffee Break 


Session 2:  Success stories in EU, National and regional projects

Chair: Małgorzata Lewandowska

11:10 - 11:25


Influence of EU projects results on the transformation of Rescoll. Konstantin Sipos, APPlus+

11:25 - 11:40


Success story - H2020 Centre of excellence Ensemble. Dorota Pawlak, Ensemble3.

11:40 - 11:55


Success story - Terahertz technologies, Teaming project. Wojciech Knap, Warsaw University of Technology

11:55 - 12:10


Success stories with M-ERA.NET, Roland Brandenburg, M-ERA.NET, and Success stories in EU Framework Programs Projects. Amaya Igartua, Tekniker

12:10 - 12:25


From National and EU participation to EU Project coordination in PV Photovoltaics.Victor Acinas, Applied Materials

12:30 - 14:00


Lunch time


Session 3:  Coordination between EU national, regional levels

Chair: Rodrigo Martins

14:00 - 14:20


Introduction, What is needed?,  Jurgen Tiedje, European Commission, Head of Unit for Industrial Transformation

14:20 - 14:40


How to organize materials governance and opportunities in different parts of Horizon Europe. Marco Falzetti, Chair of EUMAT, General Director APRE

14:40 - 16.00


Round table:  coordination and synergies of R&I activities on Advanced Materials at EU, national and regional level
Moderator:  Rodrigo Martins, Director of CENIMAT|i3N & CEMOP/UNINOVA

Panelists:  Jurgen Tiedje, European Commission;  Roland Brandenburg, M-ERA.NET; Amaya Igartúa, AMI2030;  Jaroslaw Piekarski, NCBR, NCP Poland; Alexander Pogany, ELN- European Lightweighting Network; Katarzyna Samsel, GE Aerospace..

16.00 - 16:30


General conclusions and recommendations, Tony Kenyon, E-MRS President



End of the Meeting


General information for all

  • This event is free of charge
  • The lunch is free for the participants