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Final SuperCol Symposium
Thursday, June 1st, 2023
Room Luxembourg - Ground floor
The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovatie Training Network (ITN) SuperCol develops methods to rationally functionalize colloidal nanoparticles, and to visualize the surface chemistry with single-molecule super-resolution microscopy. The aim is to rationally design super-selective and responsive particles for biomedical applications.
Functionalised colloidal particles hold the potential for powerful diagnostic and therapeutic systems. Think of super-selective biosensors for dengue and cholera; responsive particles to capture and quantify inflammation markers; or particles that release cancer therapeutics such as doxorubicin on demand. Their functionality, however, ultimately depends on the number, distribution and activity of the molecules at their surface. New methods are needed to accurately visualize individual receptors on colloidal surfaces, influence the number, distribution and activity of receptors and find out how the surface organisation translates to highly desired functionalities such as responsiveness and super-selectivity.
Researchers of the SuperCol network and invited speakers will today expose how they take the ‘closest possible look’ at colloidal surfaces. Both literally, using super-resolution imaging, and with advanced particle surface (receptor) chemistry. These observations can be combined with advanced modeling techniques to achieve a rational design of super-selective and responsive colloidal particle systems. Gaining a tight and quantitative control over their composition and their properties will naturally enhance their potential in biomedical applications.
Hot topics to be covered by the symposium:
- Super-resolution microscopy
- Single-molecule and single-particle tracking
- Colloidal synthesis and functionalization
- Nanomedicine
- Biosensing
- DNA nanotechnology
- Optical and physico-chemical modelling
List of invited speakers:
- David Pine (New York University)
- Benoit Pichon (Université de Strasbourg)
- Virginia Martínez-Martínez (Universidad Pais Vasco UPV/EHU)
Tentative list of scientific committee members:
- Susana Rocha (KU Leuven)
- Frank Scheffold (Fribourg University)
- Guillermo P Acuna (Fribourg university)
- Rodolphe Marie (DTU)
- Emanuela Zacarell (Sapienza university)i
- Maria-Ada Malvind (HiQ-nano)i
- Jeppe Fock (BluSense)
- Ilja Voets (TUe)
- Ingo Lieberwirth (MPIP)
To learn more about our SuperCol network and all the science we do, please have a look at our:
- Amazing video explaining our project:
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