Practical information


All practical information to simplify your experience: contact address, bank details, abstract submission, publication, registration, cancellation, etc ...


Conference secretariat:

BP 20
F-67037 Strasbourg Cedex 2
Tel.: +33 3 88 10 63 72
Fax: +33 3 88 10 63 43

Address for express mail:
E-MRS Headquarters
Campus CNRS
Building 50
23 rue du Loess
67200 Strasbourg – France

Contact person:
P. Siffert +33 (0)3 88 10 63 72

SIRET n°:      382 390 292 00011
APE code:   9499Z


Abstract Submission:

Deadline for abstract submission: January 28, 2021.

Abstract Length: submissions are limited to 3.000 characters (including spaces, only plain text, no figures, no formulae...).

Note: All abstracts must be submitted via the E-MRS website
Submitting abstracts via the E-MRS website is easy and convenient. Follow the step-by-step instructions on the template, making sure that complete mailing address information is included for the presenting and contact authors. After submitting your abstract, please use your Control ID number in all communications with E-MRS regarding the abstract UNTIL a paper number (e.g., A-IV.8) is later assigned.

Because major revisions may affect a symposium organizer’s decision to accept your abstract, please review it carefully before submission. In the unusual circumstance of having to revise your original abstract, the online submission center enables authors to revise their abstracts up to and including the submission deadline of January 28. After that date, the change must be submitted to: (Subject: Abstract Revision) and must include your Control ID number. Please state exactly where the revisions are located (e.g., title, author, body, etc.).

Papers will be selected by the scientific committee of each symposium.

Authors will be notified of acceptance and mode of presentation by March 10, 2021 at the latest. Conference language is english.


Conference time zone:

PROGRAM TIME IS CEST (Paris: UTC+2) - please take in consideration the Paris time zone.


Oral presentations:

Contributed presentations (Duration: 15 minutes: 12 min + 3 min discussions) and Invited presentations (duration: 30 minutes: 25 min + 5 min discussions) will be pre-recorded in order to guarantee a smooth symposium and minimize problems related to time-zone differences. Closing date for submission of pre-recorded presentation: May 27 at 23:59 (CET)

E-MRS provides guidelines (cf. left column). The live stream of the talk will be carried out according to the program schedule.

Live session access as a SPEAKER:
- 48 to 24 hours before live, you will receive a Zoom link
- we kindly ask you to connect to Zoom the D-Day 45 minutes before the beginning of your session
- you will be connected with all the other speakers/moderators of your session
- a technical team will welcome you before the start of your conference (technical check)
- then you will be live for your presentation and/or Q&As

As a SPEAKER during live session:
- if your presentation is pre-recorded (STRONGLY RECOMMENDED): our technician will play your video presentation. You will be able to follow your recording in the Zoom meeting. You will then be live for the Q&As at the end of your talk and/or at the end of the session for a sum up discussion (depending on the symposium). cf. guidelines on the left column.
- if you give your presentation live: our technician will share your presentation and give you the control. cf. guidelines on the left column.

The discussion of the contributed presentations will be carried out live in the frame of the virtual meeting by oral live questions/answers and live chat (mixture of oral live questions/answers and live chat). Both speakers and chairman of a specific session will be live to answer questions from the audience. The audience will be able to ask questions on the e-congress platform. Questions can only be answered orally.

All presentations will be captured for on demand viewing. Viewers will not be able to download presentations. Recorded presentations will be available on demand after the sessions.


Poster presentations:

All posters presentations (3 minutes) will be pre-recorded and need to be sent in advance to E-MRS. E-MRS will provide guidelines and (on request) technical support. The format of the presentations will be up to five slides in FULL-HD resolution dimension (i.e.: 1. Title, authors, affiliations, 2. Introduction, 3. Results, 4. Discussion, 5. Summary, references, acknowledgements). Closing date for submission of pre-recorded presentation: May 27 at 23:59 (CET). Submission of a regular full size poster as .pdf (A0 or similar size) is not requested.

The poster-oral 3-minutes-presentations (audio+video) may be watched the first time at the dedicated sessions and will be available on demand after the sessions. The discussion of the poster presentations will be carried out through chat (no virtual room) or by email. In addition, all poster-oral 3-minutes-presentations will be put on display.


Manuscripts and proceedings:

Depending on the symposium, a selection of full length papers will be published as special issues in appropriate journals. Submitted papers will be refereed to journals standards. Instructions to authors will be dispatched together with the notification of acceptance of the abstract.

The decision of which journals shall publish the symposia proceedings will be made jointly by symposium organizers and journal editors. An announcement of these journals will be published on the concerned symposium webpage.


Registration fees:


Each attendee (including chairpersons, invited speakers, presenting authors, co-authors, scientific committee members....) must register online.

ONE ORAL PRESENTATION = ONE REGISTRATION. Multiple poster presentations are allowed.

Registration starts at the end of the abstract submission period only. If you do not have an E-MRS account on our website, you need to create one before registering to the Spring Meeting.

Abstract acceptation does not mean registration: each author attending the conference must register separately.

    - Register by 11:59 pm, April 15, 2021: 290 €
    - Register April 16, 2021 or later: 330 €
  1. STUDENT RATE (Students have to give evidence of their university registration)
    - Register by 11:59 pm, April 15, 2021: 160 €
    - Register April 16, 2021 or later: 190 €

E-MRS is a non-profit organization, no subject to VAT.


Payment of fees:

Payment should be made in EURO for the net total amount due.
The following possibilities are offered:

  • Credit card (Carte Bleue, Visa, Eurocard/ Mastercard) (mode preferred)
  • Bank transfer: (considering the tight timeframes, payment by bank transfer is no longer possible)
    Account: ASS E MRS
    IBAN: FR76 1470 7500 1111 1913 8543 942

Bank transfer: Watch to identify well your transfer by indicating your ID Number and your name and first name. In order to guarantee your participation, full payment must be made by May 24th at the latest.



In case the E-MRS conference is cancelled, the conference attendees will be entitled to claim the reimbursement of the registration fees.

In order to receive a refund, cancellation requests must be in writing and sent by May 24th which will cause a €25 processing fee. No refunds will be issued on requests postmarked after May 24th.