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2021 Fall Meeting

LATEST NEWS: All pre-recordings are available on the conference platform until the end of December.

lt is with great pleasure that we announce the 2021 Fall Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) to be held as a VIRTUAL Conference from 20th to 23rd September 2021.

Having faced and stilling struggling with the quite exceptional pandemic years 2020 and 2021, E-MRS has assessed various options how to serve the materials research community as a platform for scientific exchange and dissemination of the newest results in the year 2021. The concept to restart the scientific meeting culture of E-MRS aims to go beyond a simple interim solution of having a virtual conference. The crises related to COVID-19 is aimed to be used as a starting point to further develop the materials research exchange platform to serve the new needs of researchers and engineers.

The European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) was established in 1983 through the initiative of individual European Materials scientists. A number of European materials scientists who attended the MRS meetings in the U.S.A. realised that such a society could be of benefit to Europe to enhance the links between materials science and industry and to provide a voice for the materials community.

Most of the problems facing the world such as energy supply and health will be solved only by breakthroughs in materials science. It is vital that the outcomes of research are utilised through technological experience and innovationfor the benefit of mankind. The Fall Meeting provides the opportunity to exchange ideas, expand one's knowledge and make new contacts. The conference will consist of 23 parallel symposia and a plenary session and provides an international forum to discuss recent advances in the field of materials science. The conference will be augmented by an exhibition of products and services of interest to the conference participants.

Don't miss it! We look forward to your active contribution and participation in the conference.

It will be our great pleasure to welcome you all at the virtual E-MRS 2021 Fall meeting next September ONLINE.

Take care & stay healthy, yours Peter Wellmann. (President of the E-MRS)


We look forward to your participation to create an outstanding 2021 E-MRS Fall Meeting!



September 20 - 23, 2021

Conference Chairpersons
Franck TESSIERInstitut des Sciences Chimiques de Rennes (UMR CNRS 6226) - Université de Rennes 1

Campus de Beaulieu 35042 Rennes cedex France

+33 2 23 23 62 56
Ian W. BOYDBrunel University London

Kingston Lane Uxbridge UB8 3PH U.K.
Małgorzata LEWANDOWSKAWarsaw University of Technology

Faculty of Materials Science & Engineering, Poland

FL 21 - Postcard - fall_21_postcard_a5.pdf 3 MB
