Electronic, Photonic, Nano, Low-dimensional and Quantum Materials
TSmart materials for nanoelectronics - nanophotonics & European Doctorate Network: PCAM (Physics and Chemistry of Advanced Materials) Summer School 2025
This symposium will cover:
(i) Materials Synthesis: From 0D and 1D nanomaterials including their 3D networks
(ii) Properties: Electrical, optical, thermal, luminescent (experimental, analytical, computational)
(iii) Applications: Electronics, Photonics/Plasmonics, Energy, Catalysis, Sensor & Quantum Technologies
The PCAM Summer School will cover:
(i) Materials Synthesis: Materials Synthesis (0D, 1D, 2D, 3D)
(ii) Characterization Techniques: Microscopies (SEM, HIM, TEM, SPM, LEEM), Optical (UV, PL, Scatteirng, DLS), Spectroscopy (PL/TRPEL, XPS, FTIR, Raman, ..)
(iii) Simulations: Analytical, DFT, Computational, MD
Smart Materials based nanostructures are very important candidates for advancing the performance of different technologies. The ongoing deployments in the direction of confined nanostructures (0D, 1D, 2D) and their 3D network forms have become very relevant towards various applications. The porous 3D network materials built out of 0D, 1D, and 2D nanostructure building blocks, offer many utilization simplicities as they can be easily integrated into devices or utlized in very simple ways. The simultaneous easy accessibility of nanoscopic features make 3D networks very excellent candidates for applications, especially in electronics, photonics, catalysis, energy, and sensor etc. technologies. The confined nanostructures from noble metals, carbon, and perovskites have found immense applications in electronics, optoelectronics, sensing, photonics, and energy, etc. The nanostructures from metal oxides (zinc oxide, tin oxide, etc.) have been very interesting materials due to interesting bandgap values (intermediate between metals and insulators), suitable for various advanced electronic, optical, optoelectronic and sensing technologies. When these metal oxides and metals are combined together in nanohybrids, they become further very relevant in terms of understanding the properties and accordingly electronics and optoelectronics applications. Recent developments in the direction of 0D and 1D nanostructures-based 3D network materials have opened many new avenues in the direction of electronics, photonics, sensor, and quantum fields. The research on metals and metal oxides nanostructure (0D and 1D) based 3D interconnected networks is currently in the main stream because they can be further utilized as unique backbone for new materials engineering which opens further new avenues in direction of new materials with new properties for new and novel technologies.
Appropriate growth strategies of different confined (0D, 1D, and 2D) nanostructures by various methods, understanding their properties, and the applications of these pure and hybrid materials in the direction of electronics and photonics are key fundamental issues to which this proposed symposium in EMRS Fall 2025 is going to briefly address. Researchers with interdisciplinary expertizes could easily help each other to realize the materials growth and corresponding structure-property relationships. In this proposal it is aimed to bring: (i) synthesis groups for developing different smart nanostructures, (ii) theoretical/modelling scientists, (iii) experts from electronics, photonics, and quantum fields who can utilize these materials in various applications, together to develop a discussion platform with the theme ‘Smart Materials for nanoelectronics and nanophotonics’ at EMRS Fall meeting in 2025 in Warsaw, Poland.
The symposium will be jointly organized by European Doctorate Network: PCAM (Physics and Chemistry of Advanced Materials) Summar School 2025. The PCAM summer school will majorly focus on synthesis (0D, 1D, 2D, 3D), detailed characterizations (SEM, HIM, TEM, SPM, LEEM, UV, PL7TRPL, DLS, XPS, FTIR, Raman, …), and simulations (Analytical, DFT, Computational, MD) of different nanoscale materials. The PCAM summer school will invite lecturers having expertizes in material synthesis, chracterization techniques, and simulations to deliver detailed lectures for Ph. D. students and all relevant participants. The school combine detailed lectures, exercises, and workshops which will be equivalent to 5 ECTS credit points for students from PCAM netwrok. The symposium and PCAM summer school topics match quite well and the lectueres with common expertizes will give invited talk and also deliver the PCAM lecture. This combined approach will be very interesting for both speakers as well as to all the participants. The summer school will be open for participation by any EMRS Fall 2025 attendy. This will be good for the visibitily of EMRS Fall 2025, PCAM Summer School and PCAM Network in overall.
Hot topics to be covered by the symposium and PCAM Summer school:
(i) Smart Materials: Synthesis, Characterizations, Structure-properties, Analytical and simulation studies, etc.
(ii) Electronics: Nanoelectronics, Memristive Devices, Piezoelectric, Energy Technologies, etc.
(iii) Photonics: Plasmonics, Field Emissions, SERS, Catalysis, Photovoltaics, Challenges and integration of nanoelectronics and nanophotonics, etc.
(i) Materials Synthesis: Synthesis of nanomaterials (0D, 1D, 2D, 3D)
(ii) Material Characterizations Techniques: SEM, HIM, TEM, SPM, LEEM, UV, PL, Scatteirng, DLS, PL/TRPEL, XPS, FTIR, Raman, etc.
(iii) Theoretical Simulations: Analytical, DFT, Computational, MD, etc.
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Krzywoustego 4, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
Dawid.Janas@polsl.plLojasiewicza 11, 30-348 Krakow, Poland
franciszek.krok@uj.edu.plAlsion 2, Sønderborg, Denmark
rubahn@mci.sdu.dkInstitute of Materials Science, Barsausko str.59, Kaunas 51423, Lithuania
Sigitas.Tamulevicius@ktu.ltAlsion 2, 6400, Sønderborg, Denmark