Characterization, Simulation and Artificial Intelligence
GArtificial Intelligence to accelerate the development of new advanced materials for energy
Advanced mayerials have been defined as materials with enhanced properties compared to traditional materials. The potential to design and scale-up custom-made advanced materials could significantly impact new applications opening new possibilities for innovation and this especially for the energy field. There is a pressing need to accelerate all stages of advanced materials development, including their design, scale-up, and manufacturing capabilities (from lab to production), as demand for these materials is expected to grow substantially in the coming years. In this context, the traditional approach of design, synthesis, characterization, and testing is shifting toward a more integrated, closed-loop process that will allow reducing dramatically the development time.
The timeline for performing research on new advanced materials and bringing them to be implemented in devices, and so to market, remains a strategic and fundamental challenge especially in this highly competitive environment. However, fast-tracking the development and deployment of new technologies requires a multidisciplinary collaboration among academia, governments, and industry. In this landscape, Artificial intelligence (AI) is a key strategic technology to speed up the transition from research in lab to production of devices and so to reduce the time of moving from fundamental research to innovation. Indeed, AI techniques, including machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL), play a vital role in accelerating materials development (but also disclosure of new properties), as their computational strategies improve automatically with more data. Additionally, AI-enhanced robotic platforms, known as self-driving laboratories or materials acceleration platforms, offer greater control and precision in experiments, producing high- quality data to facilitate faster scaling of advanced materials. In this symposium, organized by the European Innovation Council (EIC), we will highlight the latest trends in the use of AI for advanced materials design and scale-up and this, specifically, is the field of energy. Contributions on how to implement new advanced materials in the field of energy harvesting, storage and conversion through AI, will be accepted. EIC beneficiaries are especially encouraged to present and discuss their breakthrough innovation on stage. The contributions will deal, but not only, with theoretical approaches, with implementation of new characterization
methods, with the elaborationof new materials through AI and with the definition of methods to move from labtofabthroughscalingupmaterialproduction.This symposiumwillallowus defininganoverviewinthis extremely innovating field of research and development with strong impact in our everyday life. Circularity, Sustainability and consideration on Critical Raw Materials are transversal topics of this symposium.
Hot topics to be covered by the symposium:
- AI driven materials discovery
- Smart materials and AI integration
- AI in energy materials for storage and harvesting
- AI enhanced synthesis
- AI for quantum materials
- AI for nanomaterials synthesis and development
- Theoretical approach using AI for properties disclosures of exotic advanced materials (e.g topological properties, Majorana fermions).
- AI for scaling up materials synthesis.
- AI advanced materials and CRMs considerations
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34 Simon Boulevard, 1049 Brussel, Belgium
Johannes.bunz@ec.europa.eu34 Simon Boulevard, 1049 Brussel, Belgium
paolo.bondavalli@ec.europa.euFrère-Orbansquare 8, 1049 Brussel, Belgium
Sophia.Fantechi@ec.europa.euSchool of Chemistry, Ireland