2024 Fall Meeting
Electronics, Photonics and Spintronics
LUltra-Wide-Bandgap Semiconductors challenges: from materials to devices
Ultra-Wide Bandgap Semiconductors (UWBS) is an important class of materials that are used (or envisaged to be used) in a variety of applications, specifically related to the energy and electronics sectors. The present proposal, aims to establish the tradition for UWBS2E at Fall EMRS Meetings, serving as an arena for communicating the newest results in this booming field.
Ultra-wide Bandgap Semiconductors (UWBS) exhibit unique properties for their applications in power electronics, RF electronics, deep UV optoelectronics, extreme-environment applications, etc. There is a range of material systems belonging to the UWBS class. In the present symposium, we keep our focus on oxides (e.g. Ga2O3, ZnGa2O4, ZnMgO, AlGa2O4, ect), nitrides (e.g. AlN, high-Al-content AlGaN, boron nitride, etc), even though contributions on other UWBS are welcome too. The goal is to cover full chain of topics: from material elaboration to device fabrication and performance, bringing together two sectors of the UWBS community: material researchers’ and device fabrication/simulation experts. We think that the UWBS community would enthusiastically meet our initiative to create an arena in this field so urgently needed in Europe. The EMRS symposium is an excellent format for this purpose, as we already learned from the success of the UWBS2E at 2022 and 2023Fall EMRS Meeting.
Hot topics to be covered by the symposium:
UWBS2E Symposium will cover most recent aspects of the corresponding material research as well as emerging device components.
Hot topics to be covered by the symposium:
We envisage contributions concerning materials:
AlN and high-Al-content AlGaN; Ga2O3; Boron nitrides; Complex oxides (e.g. ZnGa2O4, MgZnO, AlGa2O4, etc), Complex nitrides (II-IV-nitrides, II-II-nitrides, etc.)
- Bulk crystal and thin film growth
- Defects Studies: Theory/Experiment
- Functionalization of defects
- Optical, electrical, magnetic, and thermal properties
- Device fabrication and performance
List of invited speakers:
- Isabel Streicher /IAF/ Metal‐Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition of Aluminum Yttrium Nitride and Aluminum Scandium Nitride for Sustainable Electronics.
- Junya Yoshinaga /Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology/ - High-speed growth of thick high-purity β- Ga2O3 layers by low-pressure hot-wall metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy.
- Oliver Hilt /Ferdinand Braun Institute in Berlin, Germany/ AlN based devices on AlN native substrates.
- Siddha Pimputkar /Lehigh University/Bulk growth of hexagonal BN via a lithium-based flux method.
- Andrej Kuznetsov /University of Oslo/ Superior radiation tolerance of Ga2O3.
- Yvon Cordier /Université Côte d'Azur, CNRS, CRHEA, France/ ScAlN barrier HEMTs grown by ammonia source molecular beam epitaxy.
- Guillaume Cassabois /Laboratoire Charles Coulomb (L2C), Univ. Montpellier, CNRS, Montpellier, France/Efficient light-matter interaction in hexagonal boron nitride.
- Man Hoi Wong /Hong Kong University of Science and Technology/ Key Research Topics in Ga2O3 Power Devices.
- Alexandra Ibanez /University of Montpellier/Influence of alloy disorder effects on the anisotropy of emission diagrams in AlGaN alloys, quantum wells and quantum dots.
- Ye Jiandong, Nanjing University Title: NiO equips Ga2O3 with bipolar conduction and avalanche capability.
- Jean Paul Salvestrini /Georgia Tech Lorraine [Metz]/ Photo-induced doping of hBN for UVC LEDs.
- Ye Yuan, / Songshan Lake Material Laboratory / The preparation and application of high quality single-crystalline AlN template.
- Wojciech Pacuski / Warsaw University / Exfoliated and MOCVD h-BN as an excellent substrate for the epitaxy of 2D materials.
- David Rogers / Nanovation / The emerging ultra-wide bandgap semiconductor (Mg)NiO and potential applications.
- Jesus Zuniga Perez / Majulab-CRHEA, SINGAPORE/ Quantum Sensing with h-BN.
- Sylvia Hagedorn / Ferdinand Braun Institute, Berlin / How to Improve Epitaxially Grown Aluminum Nitride Layers on Sapphire Substrates.
List of scientific committee members:
- Filip Tuomisto (University of Helsinki, Finland)
- Farid Medjdoub (University of Lille, France)
- Michał Boćkowski (Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS, Poland)
- Anders Hallen (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)
- Zengxia Mei (Institute of Physics, CAS, China)
- Amélie Dussaigne (CEA/Leti France)
- Carsten Hartmann (Leibniz Institute for Crystal Growth Germany)
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No abstract for this day
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elke.meissner@iisb.fraunhofer.dePokfulam Road, Hong Kong, China
ccling@hku.hkA. Lotników 32/46, 02-668 Warszawa, Poland