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Materials for photonics and electronics


Topological materials and their application to classical and quantum nanotechnologies

2D and 3D topological materials are being disclosing unprecedented horizons in physics, chemistry, and inherent applications where the conventional electronic and optical responses can be outstandingly boosted, or new operational paradigm can be set to overcome the mainstream technology.


Topological materials are a new class of materials that can have groundbreaking impact on or revolutionize the paradigms of mainstream classical and quantum technologies in the field of nanoelectronics, phononics, photonics, and energy. While topological insulators are a consolidated branch of topological materials at the three- and two-dimensional (3D, 2D) level, new fashions of topological materials have been recently disclosed encompassing 3D topological (Dirac and/or Wey) semimetals (like Heussler compounds, transition metal dichalcogenides, etc.), 2D quantum spin Hall insulators (for instance, Xenes like germanene, stannene, bismuthene, etc. or metal ditellurides), topological chiral materials, kagome crystals, or Moiré superlattices.

The general aim of the symposium is to bridge the materials science and methods with the emerging technologies where the topological character may play as a game changer in terms of achievable performances and minimization of the energy power consumption. Therefore, the symposium aims at gathering the scientific community in the science of topological materials, spanning form their fundamental aspects on the synthesis, characterization, and theoretical modelling to emerging directions in their application to classical and quantum nanotechnologies. In detail, the first part of the symposium will be focused on material science aspects such as synthesis and growth of topological materials advanced characterization techniques (e.g., ARPES, SPM), and on the methods for topological phase engineering. The second part will concentrate on physical phenomena, including quantum transport and theoretical modelling.

Finally, the third part will be devoted to innovation potential that topological materials may bring to the selected technologies including:
a) Topological nanoelectronics beyond CMOS technologies,
b) quantum technologies;
c) topological photonics towards the optically tunable device in the THz and sub-THz regime;
d) energy-saving technologies like outperforming thermoelectrics;
e) topological chemistry mainly aiming at boosting the catalytic action in specific chemical processes.

Poster submissions will be selected to assign the symposium poster award(s).

Hot topics to be covered by the symposium:

  • Growth/synthesis of topological materials including 2D and 3D topological insulators, topological magnets and superconductors, Xenes (silicene, stanene, bismuthene, tellurene, etc.), Dirac and Weyl semimetals and semiconductors, chiral and nodal materials, Kagome lattices, topological phonon materials.
  • Characterization of topological materials: ARPES, STM, optical spectroscopies, THz microscopy/spectrosocpy.
  • Devices and applications: quantum transport (charge, spin and thermal), THz and sub-THz (mm wave) photononic and optoelectronics.
  • Topological chemistry applied to catalysis phenomena (e.g. hydrogen evolution reaction).
  • Topological superconductivity.

Confirmed Invited speakers

  • Jacqueline Bloch, CNRS, Univ. Paris Saclay (FR)
  • Monica Allen, UCSD (USA)
  • Aitzol Garcia-Extarri, DIPC (ES)
  • Bogdan Andrei Bernevig, Princeton University (USA)
  • Silke Bühler-Paschen, TU Wien (AT)
  • Vincent Cros, CNRS (FR)
  • Athanasios Dimoulas, NCSR-D (GR)
  • Klaas Tielrooij, Univ. Twente (NL)
  • Phil King, University of St. Andrew (UK)
  • Mathieu Jamet, CEA (FR)
  • Stefano Lupi, Sapienza Univ. Rome (IT)
  • Yu Pan, Chongqing University (PRC)
  • Xia Wang, Max Planck Institute (DE)
  • Ralph Claessen, Würzburg University (DE)
  • Clivia Sotomayor Torres, INL (PT)
  • Leni Bascones, CSIC (ES)
  • Miriam Serena Vitiello , CNR-Nano (IT)
  • Harald Zandvliet, Twente University (NL)
  • Jelena Klinovaja, Basel University (CH)
  • Luis Hueso Arroyo, NanoGune (ES)


Selected papers will be published as a special issue in pss (RRL), Wiley.

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Symposium organizers
Alessandro MOLLE (Main organizer)CNR-IMM

Via C. Olivetti 2, I-20864 Agrate Brianza - Italy

+39 039 603 7613
Juan F. SIERRACatalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ICN2

08193, Barcelona - Spain

+34 937 372 627
Maia G. VERGNIORYUniversity of Sherbrooke

Dept. of Physics, Sherbrooke, Canada
Paolo BONDAVALLI (Main organizer)European Innovation Council (EIC-EISMEA)

34 Simon Boulevard, 1049 Brussel, Belgium