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Nanocomposites and hybrid materials


Ferroic materials and heterostructures: from fundamentals to applications

Recent progress in the synthesis of (anti-)ferroic materials and heterostructures has led to the discovery of new physical properties and application possibilities. In this class of materials, the interplay between charge, spin, lattice, and orbital degrees of freedom leads to a wide range of fascinating functional and quantum phenomena not observed in conventional semiconducting compounds. These include chirality, magnetoelectricity, systems with multiple order parameters (e.g., multiferroics), as well as a wealth non-trivial (and often highly non-linear) responses to external stimuli (from light to mechanical and electric fields). Furthermore, the discovery of ferreoelectricity in simple CMOS compatible materials, such as fluorite and wurtzite compounds, is enabling integration of ferroelectrics in advanced non-volatile memory or logic devices for conventional or post von Neumann energy efficient computation.

This symposium thus focuses on ferroics and anti-ferroics, with an emphasis on novel (nano)materials, emerging or enhanced properties and new potential applications.  We aim to bring together scientific experts and young scientists with an interest in the synthesis and multiscale characterization of controlled (anti-)ferroic materials and interfaces, heterostructures and nanostructures. The organizers encourage the submission from both academic and industry researchers who seek to advance the state-of-the-art of ferroic and anti-ferroic compounds, with an emphasis on emerging trends and opportunities in the field, and the ambition to foster interdisciplinary exchanges. The topical list for this symposium reflects the needs and challenges towards controlling (anti-)ferroic phases and engineer specific properties for particular applications. Invited speakers will span the breadth of these interdisciplinary topics, creating the ideal conditions for advancing in our understanding of these compounds, accelerating the discovery of new physical behaviors, and recognizing needs and opportunities for their technological application.

List of topics to be addressed in this symposium:

  • Ferroelectrics and antiferroelectrics
  • Magnetic, multiferroic, and magnetoelectric materials
  • Thin films, multilayers, superlattices, interfacial effects
  • van der Waals, freestanding, Moiré, 2D functional materials
  • Emerging fluorite and wurtzite ferroelectrics
  • Complex phases: Topological, chiral, frustrated, incommensurate
  • Enhanced or novel functional properties and applications (from nanoelectronics and unconventional computing to photocatalysis and tunable sub-THz responses)
  • Functional properties of domain walls
  • Advances in preparation and characterization
  • Advances in theory and simulation
  • Device demonstration and integration

Confirmed invited speakers:

  • Miryam Arredondo-Arechavala
  • Laura Bégon-Lours
  • Manuel Bibes
  • Nicholas Bristowe
  • Gustau Catalan
  • Claudio Cazorla
  • Marjana Lezaic
  • Sylvia Matzen
  • Quintin Meier
  • Martina Muller
  • Guillaume Nataf
  • Florencio Sánchez
  • Jacobo Santamaría
  • Uwe Schroeder
  • Susan Trolier-McKinstry
  • Michel Viret

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Symposium organizers
Ignasi FINA (Main organizer)Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC)

Carrer dels Til·lers sn. Campus UAB, Bellaterra 08193, Catalonia, Spain
Jorge ÍNIGUEZ-GONZALEZLuxembourg Institute of Science and Technology

University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Morgan TRASSINETH Zurich

Salia CHERIFI-HERTELInstitut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg

CNRS-Université de Strasbourg, France