2023 Fall Meeting
TNon-linear and dynamic thermal transport: modeling, thermo-materials, devices and applications
The topic of this symposium is advanced thermal control devices. This is an emerging research field that is focused on the development of thermal devices with sharp, non-linear dependencies on direction and operating temperature that can lead to more efficient energy management, conversion and storage systems. This timely research has a major role to play in the advent of the Energy Worldmap 2050.
In recent years, intensive studies on thermal control devices have been conducted for the thermal management of electronics as well as for applications in energy conversion, chemistry, sensors, buildings, and outer space. Conventional cooling or heating techniques that use traditional thermal resistors and capacitors cannot meet the thermal requirements of advanced systems. Therefore, new thermal control devices are being investigated to satisfy these requirements. These devices include thermal diodes, thermal switches, thermal regulators, and thermal transistors, all of which manage heat in a manner analogous to how electronic devices and circuits control electricity. To design or apply these novel devices as well as thermal control principles, fluidic, mechanical and solid-state thermal control devices are being developed and implemented in various applications for different size scales and temperature ranges.
In this symposium we aim to have an ecosystem of interdisciplinary speakers at different levels, from fundamental to system level. The symposium will join together research communities working on:
i) theoretical analysis of materials & devices with non-linear heat transport;
ii) experimental demonstration of advanced thermal control devices, and;
iii) novel advanced thermal management approaches.
The speakers will discuss the new trends on fluidic, mechanical and solid-state thermal devices for advanced thermal control and its impact towards new thermal technology, like heat logic, or the development of a more friendly environment through better management, conversion and storage of energy.
Hot topics to be covered:
- theoretical approaches to understand the underlying mechanisms for non-linear or asymmetric thermal transport in materials and devices
- novel fluidic, mechanical and solid-state thermal switches, diodes or transistors
- integration of thermal devices into systems and expected energy efficient improvements;
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No abstract for this day
No abstract for this day
No abstract for this day
Faculty of Mechanical Engineers, Slovenia
andrej.kitanovski@fs.uni-lj.siDepartament de Física. E/difici C. 08193 Bellaterra, Spain
xavier.alvarez@uab.cat11, Boulevard Marie et Pierre Curie, Site du Futuroscope TSA 41123, 86073 Poitiers Cedex
karl.joulain@univ-poitiers.frUniversity of Twente - 5, Drienerlolaan, 7522 NB Enschede The Netherlands
m.munozrojo@utwente.nl / mmrojosu@outlook.com