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The Search for New Materials

The Search for New Materials and the Role of Novel Processing Routes

Peter J. Wellmann

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Graduate Student Awards

To be eligible for the E-MRS Graduate Student Award, the applicant must be registered as a graduate student with a PhD thesis research program clos

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EU-40 Materials prize

We seek to honor those whose work has already had a major impact in the field, and those young researchers whose work already leads to great expect

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Latest news
November 2023

Standing Committee for Gender Equality in Science

The Standing Committee for Gender Equality in Science (SCGES) is an independent committee formed in 2020 by nine international scientific organizat

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Endorsed Meeting
September 18-20, 2024

4th International Online Conference on Crystals

You are cordially invited to participate in the 4th International Electronic Conference on Crystals (IOCC 2024), sponsored by the MDPI open access

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Latest news
August 18-22, 2024