EU-40 Materials prize

We seek to honor those whose work has already had a major impact in the field, and those young researchers whose work already leads to great expectations for future leadership.

The award is reserved to researchers showing exceptional promise as leaders in the materials science having performed the research for which this prize is awarded while working in Europe.

The award consists of a 5,000 Euro cash prize, a certificate, waiver of the meeting registration fee and an invited talk at the 2025 Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society where the award will be presented.

Nominations should include:

  1. Curriculum Vitae including birth date;
  2. List of key publications (including citations and impact factors);
  3. Letters of support from two well established scientists;
  4. Any additional supporting information relevant to the award.

The nomination package should not exceed 10 pages (excluding the list of key publications) and should be sent by email to (subject:eu40materials) before March 21st, 2025.

The nominee shall not have reached his/her 40th birthday in the year in which the nomination is submitted. Proposals will be evaluated shortly after and the candidates will be informed by mid April 2025 at the latest.

E-MRS EU-40 Materials Prize Recipients:

2025 winner: ...

2024 winner: Maria Serdechnova, Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH

2023 winner: Fabian O. von Rohr, University of Geneva, Switzerland

2022 winner: Michael Saliba, University of Stuttgart, Germany

2020 & 2021: Prize not awarded

2019 winner: Laura Na Liu, University of Heidelberg, Germany

2018 winner: Xinliang Feng, TU Dresden, Germany

2017 winner: Bettina V. Lotsch, Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany

2016 winner: Henry J. Snaith, Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford, U.K.

2015 winner: Aron Walsh, University of Bath, U.K.

2014 winner: Jordi Arbiol, ICREA & ICMAB-CSIC, Catalonia, Spain 

2013 winner: Manuel Bibes, CNRS/Thales, France

2012 winners: Molly M. Stevens, Imperial College, U.K. - Francesco Stellacci, EPFL, Switzerland

2011 winner: Andrea C. Ferrari, Cambridge University, U.K.