Scienta Omicron GmbH


Scienta Omicron is a leading innovator in surface science and nanotechnology. We provide top capabilities in electron spectroscopy, scanning probe microscopy and thin film deposition, all in ultra-high vacuum (UHV). Focusing on the race for new unique materials and solutions.

We provide flexible service levels suitable for all customer demands. Our aim is to be a partner for customer success in research and analysis based on our vast knowledge and experience. We offer support for more than 30 different experimental techniques, and for each one you will find a number of specialists who can support project planning, assessment of technique suitability, system design, equipment training, applications support and system upgrades.

Scienta Omicron is committed to an exciting and successful future in the field of world-leading surface science and nanotechnology.  Customers purchasing our products invest in Nobel Prize technologies.