
2 rue de la terre de feu

91940 Les Ulis


Phone: +33 1 64 53 36 30

E-mail: info@csinstruments.eu



CSInstruments, manufacturer specialized in the conception of Atomic Force Microscopes offers you many solutions in AFM.

With The Nano-Observer AFM, the best price/performance AFM, CSInstruments offers you the best AFM electrical measurements package with sMIM system (scanning microwave impedance microscopy) combined with ResiScopeTM (unique system able to measure resistance over 10 decades) and HD-KFMTM (optimized single pass KFM with higher sensitivity and resolution).

In addition to this electrical package, CSInstruments proposes you different environment modes (temperature, liquid measurements or environmental control) and multiple AFM modes (force modulation, conductive, magnetic, piezo, thermal…)

CSInstruments also distributes AFM probes (standard, electrical, magnetic, diamond…), compatible with all models of AFM and giving to your measurements an unbeatable performance and resolution.

For more information please visit www.CSInstruments.eu or contact us at info@csinstruments.eu